Oncology Pharmacy Specialty Recertification Course
ONLINE COURSE: The online recertification course includes all recordings, presentation slides (PDF), workbook (PDF), and the recertification assessment. Earn up to 26 recertification credit hours.
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BCOP Clinical Sessions
Clinical Sessions provide recertification credit through a high-level, interactive discussion on contemporary and emerging issues in oncology pharmacy. The activities will focus on subspecialty areas and recent advances in oncology practice. Each year, the sessions will address selected topics related to one or more specific domains
Online BCOP Clinical Sessions
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Oncology Home Study Syllabus-ONLINE
The Hone Study Syllabus for Recertification consists of a collection of journal articles that focuses on advances across the four domains of oncology specialty practice. The home study syllabus will be a series of current articles from the primary oncology literature, each with learning objectives, and a web-based post-test covering the full series of articles. The articles will be made available either in print or through electronic access, depending upon availability from the copyright holder. Earn up to 16 recertification credit hours. Released once annually.
ACCP Members Purchase Here ASHP Members Purchase Here
Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) guidelines for recertification by education.